A blog is a journal-like website where posts are created in a thread and organized chronologically. Blogs can become personal diaries, travel chronicles, creative outlet, etc. with its main focus being on a specific author posting to a public or private audience. According to the article How Can We Measure the Influence of the Blogospehere?, blogs became popular because they offered everyone the ability to become a publisher who shares new ideas and shapes new realities. Blogs become the creative outlet for many. A wiki is a website that can be edited by a team of users at will. Anyone with access to a wiki can modify it without asking for permission. Additionally, according to Wikipedia, a wiki typically uses simplified markup language like rich-text and have little inherent structure. Wikis are mainly a collaborative tool, with the end result comprising of a team effort. Both a blog and a wiki can be used by authors to publish any type of content they desire. However, blogs are more authorship based than collaborative based. This does not mean that blogs can't be collaborative. Blogs have comment sections where peers can comment on each post, this can prompt a discussion, where you can make suggestions or offer an opinion. This fosters the same collaborative nature of a wiki, except it does not offer everyone the ability to change the content on the site.
1. Gill, Kathy E. “How Can We Measure the Influence of the Blogosphere?”
2. “Wiki.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Feb. 2019, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki.
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