In recent years, YouTube has played a central role in fostering the creativity of individuals who wouldn't have the opportunity to share their ideas otherwise. Anyone can launch their own YouTube channel and potentially become a star without the help of traditional Hollywood agents or studios. These people are also incentivized to be more creative because YouTube allows them to monetize their videos. YouTube also opens their doors to creators, who have ideas for movies or shows, and allows them to pitch these ideas for an investment and platform to air the show on YouTube Red. Due to all of these factors YouTube's traffic has substantially increased as stated in the article "YouTube Traffic Characterization: A View From the Edge". There are so many people putting themselves out there and, personally, since I was young, I have been glued to my computer watching YouTube videos, and it has been astonishing watching the evolution of the type of content uploaded unto YouTube.
1. Gill, Phillipa, et al. “Youtube Traffic Characterization.” Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement - IMC 07, 2007, doi:10.1145/1298306.1298310.
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